Homegroups are the bedrock of our churches. They provide a forum for members to share fellowship, study God's word, pray together, and encourage each other on the journey of discipleship.
Would you like to join a homegroup?
Homegroups meet informally and regularly to enable members:
to grow in their understanding of Christian faith and discipleship;
to enjoy fellowship expressed in friendship, practical support and prayer;
to reach out beyond the group in service and with the good news of Jesus Christ.
There are 11 homegroups across the Benefice which meet at various times during the week.
As the name suggests they meet in someone’s home, usually with about 10 members. To find out about joining a homegroup, please contact wadhurst.church.office@gmail.com

"My homegroup meeting has become one of the highlights of my week."
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)