St Peter, Stonegate
We are a small and welcoming church at the centre of our village community.
As a small rural church our offering is different to that available in a larger community. Our aim is to allow all to worship in a supportive environment as part of a caring community. Regular attenders include those from Stonegate and from the surrounding villages. Newcomers frequently comment on the warmth of the welcome and the fact that they are remembered from week to week.

Our services
We hold a range of different services every month: Holy Communion, Morning Prayer and an All Age service. The All Age service is focussed on families with young children, although all age groups are welcomed.
Community links
We have close links with Stonegate Primary School. As part of the ‘Growing Partnerships’ initiative, the church and school are forging stronger links, including developing an environmental project, which will allow the children, church and community members to discover and record the wildlife in the churchyard and allow the church to develop ways of using the churchyard in a way that sustains and supports wildlife and the environment.
Stonegate Choir uses the church building on Monday evenings for rehearsals and hold its concerts in the church three times per year. The choir is always looking for new members. Contact stonegatechoir@gmail.com
Giving to St Peters
The church is funded by regular giving by members of the church community. We pay money to the diocese by making our parish contribution. We do not receive funds from the Church of England.
If you wish to contribute to the work of the church please contact the churchwardens or the treasurer or follow this link.
For those in the community who wish to make a contribution to the upkeep of the churchyard we run a churchyard fund – for further information please follow this link.