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child and adult's hands

Family Services in 2022

The new year brings a new theme for our family services: Making Memories. On the first Sunday of every month in 2022 we’ll share stories and experiences on a variety of topics that contribute to who we are. Come to the service ready to share some of your memories, sad or funny, of the past year – a memorable one if ever there was one. Services normally start at 10am.

Calendar Checkmark icon

January 2

Memorable Year (New Year)

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March 6

Memorable Words

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April 17  Easter Day

Memorable Journeys

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June 5

Memorable Answers to Prayer

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August 7

Community Summer BBQ

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October 2  Harvest Festival 11am

Memorable Meals

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December 4 Advent

Memorable Headlines

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February 6

Memorable Beginnings

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March 27  Mothering Sunday

Memorable Women

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May 1

Memorable Gardens

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July 3

Memorable Pictures

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September 4

Memorable Teachers


November 6  Shoebox Sunday

Memorable Gifts

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December 25


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