Our Sunday services
1st Sunday, 10.00 am All-age Service
An informal service, focusing on various topics month by month.
2nd Sunday, 4.30 pm ‘The 5ive’
Afternoon tea followed by an informal service with contemporary worship songs, teaching and prayer.
3rd Sunday, 10.00 am Family Communion
Children’s activities available in the Parish Room
4th Sunday, 10.00 am Morning Prayer
A traditional service in a contemporary style.
5th Sunday 10.00 am Three as One
Held on fifth Sundays, when all three
congregations join together at one of the three churches.
Festival Services
Christmas, Mothering Sunday, Easter Sunday and Harvest.
Tidebrook choir sings at the annual Carol Service
Personal prayer requests may be placed in the box in the church, which is open
at all times for quiet contemplation and prayer

As well as our church services we enjoy meeting together in other groups and community events including:
Other groups and events
Local Home Groups which meet for Bible study and discussion
Occasional courses to explore the Christian faith, for example, Pilgrim and Alpha course
A Prayer Breakfast is held on the first Saturday of each month at 8.30-9.45am in the Parish Room.
The Tidebrook Fete, which is held annually in June.
See Latest News or go to our Diary for more information about current events and groups.