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There has been a
Christian community
in Wadhurst for
many centuries.
St Peter and St Paul, Wadhurst
Using the gifts God gives us, we bring others to Christ, deepen our faith in Him, develop the life of the church family, serve each other and the wider community and so express our worship to God in every part of life.
Our services
We hold a range of different services every month:
1st Sunday of the month
8am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:30am All Age Service
2nd Sunday of the month
8am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:30am Morning Worship and J-Club
3rd Sunday of the month
8am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:30am Morning Worship and J-Club Connect
4th Sunday of the month
10:30am Holy Communion and J-Club
5th Sunday of the month
'3 as 1' joint service in one of the churches

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